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President's Message

Namaste & JSK

I am deeply grateful and profoundly touched by the honour bestowed on me to serve as the President of the Gujarati Society of Manitoba.

We are a very strong and cohesive organization and I am excited about what our committee has planned for 2021.

I am particularly grateful to our Past President Mr. Subhashchandra Patel and his committee, Advisory committee as well as school principal Jayantibhai Mistry for their dedication, commitment and hard work last year. With his guidance and support, our new committee will continue to build off the success of 2020.

At our most recent AGM, We passed the motion for a new updated constitution and it is available on our website. Our committee will be engaging with members of the community and various professionals in our society as we commence our review.

As a reminder, please pay your membership fees either online or in-person and check our website for updates on exciting events ( All of us know, this is a tough time for everyone due to Covid-19 however GCSM needs your support.

I urge all members to actively partake in the events that will be organized by our committee and encourage you all to engage members of the committee should you have any questions or concerns.

Our upcoming Virtual events are celebration of Hanuman Jayanti and Bhajan Sandhya in months of April and May, 2021 respectively. We are looking for a sponsors. All donations will be donate to Hindu society of Manitoba (temple). Please mark your calendar –Details to follow soon.

We are blessed to have a dedicated team to serve society. Click here to view the executive team for 2021.

Thank you all for your support in advance and I look forward to serving our community.

Sanjay Patel

Sanjay Patel

Volunteer at GCSM 

GCSM holds various events through the year. Success of these events can only be achieved through your participation and support as a volunteer. Becoming part of a team of volunteers is an exciting way to contribute to your community.

There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer at these events and we are always looking for volunteers willing to help with event organisation and execution. Young persons will also find that volunteering provides an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills.

Some of the annual events include:

  1. Bhajan Sandhya
  2. Anand Bazar
  3. Summer Picnic
  4. Navaratri
  5. Diwali

For more information on volunteering opportunties, please approach any board member or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.













Contact Us

Gujarati Cultural Society of Manitoba

PO BOX 34147 Fort Richmond,
Winnipeg,  MB,
R3T 3B1,



